A Linearly Polarized Radial Line Slot Antenna

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A Linearly Polarized Radial Line Slot Antenna Average ratng: 5,8/10 275 votes
  1. Linearly Polarized Wave
  2. Linearly Polarized Light Definition
  3. Linear Vs Circular Polarized Antenna
  4. Linearly Polarized Antenna
  5. A Linearly Polarized Radial Line Slot Antenna Tuner

2 days ago  As expected, the rectangular slot of 3 mm (blue line) showed the largest beam width, while it was narrower for both the rectangular slot of 20 mm and the trapezoid with w 1 = 1 mm and w 2 = 20 mm. The ability to generate a beam with low angular divergence in both θ and ϕ will be valuable in THz wireless networks, serving multiple clients with. And feed structure. Circularly polarized antennas have various advantages over linearly polarized antennas such as better mobility and weather penetration 1. In this case, the construction of the (CP) antennas working in C band is becoming increasingly popular. Low‐Sidelobe Linearly-Polarized Radial Line Slot Antenna using a Double-Layer Dipole Array Polarizer Masahide Unno, Jiro Hirokawa, Makoto Ando Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology S3-19, 2-12-1, O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 152-8552, Japan. E-mail: unno@antenna.ee.titech.ac.jp 1.

Linearly polarized antenna

A systematic design process for circular polarized radial line slot antennas is presented herein. In order to obtain circular polarization a spiral slot arrangement is needed. Slot coupling determination to obtain a desired aperture illumination is also important. The unit radiation element is composed of two slots that are designed to optimize.

Ul Islam, Md. Rafi (2007)Radial line slot array (RLSA) antenna design for point to point communication at 5.8 GHz. Masters thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Faculty of Electrical Engineering.


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A new type of linearly polarized Radial Line Slot Array (RLSA) antenna developed by FR-4 substrate is proposed for outdoor WLAN point to point application. The WLAN is based on the IEEE 802.1 la standard and the operating frequency range is the upper UNII band (5.725-5.875) GHz. The frequency range is use for point to point microwave link. Point to point microwave link is a wireless connection between one point to another point. Before this all the research has been conducted on conventional RLSA antenna developed by polypropylene and two layers copper foil. But these antennas are quite expensive and difficult to develop. Typically the point to point system uses standard parabolic dish antenna. However the uses of these antennas have some disadvantages such as aperture blockage. To overcome this drawback, a new antenna design is proposed and investigated. Therefore, this research was conducted in order to design and develop antenna with aesthetic, low cost, high performance, durable and flat antenna that could be utilized in point to point microwave link. The development of linearly polarized radial line slot antenna (RLSA) with experimental performance is presented. The method is beam squinted design. The prototype development processes included specification definition, selection of the cavity's dielectric material and construction of prototype. The production of prototypes is divided into two stages. The first stage is to simulate the radiation pattern of slot arrangement at operating frequency. The second stage is to produce the prototype and to evaluate its performance. The prototype of RLSA has been successfully constructed and tested for outdoor WLAN point to point application

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information:Thesis (Sarjana Kejuruteraan (Elektrikal-Elektronik dan Telekomunikasi)) - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2007;Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Tharek b. Abdul Rahman
Uncontrolled Keywords:wireless connection, operating frequency range
Subjects:T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions:Electrical Engineering
ID Code:5563
Deposited By:Narimah Nawil
Deposited On:06 Aug 2008 16:16
Last Modified:29 Aug 2018 15:50

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Linearly Polarized Wave

2010 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium>1 - 4


An optimized design procedure of a beam-tilted linear polarization- radial line slot array antennas (LP-RLSA) was presented. The choice of tilt angle reveals to be crucial in achieving a uniform illumination of the whole array, as well as reaching the desired matched design. Optimization approach confirms its validity by means of a measured prototype.


book ISSN : 1522-3965
book ISBN : 978-1-4244-4967-5
book e-ISBN : 978-1-4244-4968-2
DOI 10.1109/APS.2010.5561023


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Linearly Polarized Light Definition

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Herranz, J.I.

  • iTEAM, Univ. Politec. de Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Valero-Nogueira, A.

Linear Vs Circular Polarized Antenna

  • iTEAM, Univ. Politec. de Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Alfonso, E.

  • iTEAM, Univ. Politec. de Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Linearly Polarized Antenna

Rodrigo, V.M.

  • iTEAM, Univ. Politec. de Valencia, Valencia, Spain


slot antenna arraysuniform illuminationbeam tilted linearly polarized radial line slot array antennatilt angleSlot antennasOptimizationFrequency measurementAntenna measurementsAntenna radiation patterns

slot antenna arraysuniform illuminationbeam tilted linearly polarized radial line slot array antennatilt angleSlot antennasOptimizationFrequency measurementAntenna measurementsAntenna radiation patterns

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A Linearly Polarized Radial Line Slot Antenna Tuner


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